Learn about the human body...on a human body. The Virtuali-Tee is an interactive augmented reality t-shirt that lets you explore and dive inside the world beneath our skin.
Since founding the company in 2016, we've created one of the most viewed VR experiences of all time, have sold products in over 100 countries, and have worked with Google, Amazon, Discovery, The Science Museum, Dorling Kindersley and many more.
Learn about the human body...on a human body. The Virtuali-Tee is an interactive augmented reality t-shirt that lets you explore and dive inside the world beneath our skin.
A groundbreaking children's book that explains everything you need to know about virtual reality including how we see in 3D, how a VR world is created, how VR works on a smartphone, how VR can feel real and even who uses VR. Includes a make-it-yourself VR viewer that can be used with a smartphone to experience the wonders of VR. Plus stickers to decorate your VR viewer!
Use virtual reality to uncover the secrets of the big blue in an atmospheric deep sea dive. As you bear witness to an underwater marvel, your mission becomes clear.
Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.
Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.
Google, Dorling Kindersley, The Science Museum